Dr. Marcos Travessa, Endometriosis Specialist
City: Bahia, Brazil
Philosophy of Endometriosis Care: David Redwine’s embryological (Mullerian) theory
What type of surgery do you perform for endometriosis: Excision
Medication: Contraceptives in their various routes of administration, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, medication for the treatment of chronic pain (tricyclic antidepressants; pregabalin; gabapentin), analgesics avoiding morphine derivatives. Contraceptives in patients without contraindications and without the desire to become pregnant. Analgesics and NSAIDs in patients with pain refractory to the use of contraceptives and medications for chronic pain in patients with endometriosis with some degree of chronic pain.
Approach to Persistent Pain After Surgery: Nutritional therapy, pelvic physiotherapy, pain specialists, contraceptives, and analgesics, among other options.