Dr. Ramiro Cabrera Carranco

Endometriosis Specialist

Gynecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon


Tijuana, Baja california, Mexico

Phone: +1-858-462-6510
WhatsApp: +1-858-462-6510
Email: drmayragonzalez@endoglobalgroup.com
  • Endometriosis Excision Surgery
  • Pelvic Endometriosis
  • Fertility and Endometriosis
  • Endometrioma
  • Bowel Endometriosis
Profile Description

Ramiro Cabrera Carranco, M.D., Endometriosis Specialist, Gynecologist, and Laparoscopic Surgeon.

City: Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Philosophy: Our approach to the treatment of endometriosis is based on the mesodermal origin theory, which suggests that individuals are born with endometriotic-like cells due to embryological misdifferentiation of the mesoderm. This theory posits that endometriosis is not solely a retrograde menstruation phenomenon but rather a condition that originates during fetal development, where misplaced Müllerian or mesothelial cells retain their potential to differentiate into endometrial-like tissue later in life.

What type of surgery do you perform for endometriosis: Excision

Medication: Hormonal treatment, primarily progestins, only when necessary; anti-inflammatory diet; pelvic floor physiotherapy; anti-inflammatory supplements.

Approach to Persistent Pain:  If the symptoms indicate neurological alterations, evaluation by neuropelviology or pain management treatment is recommended.

Additional Info


Hospital Affiliations:

-Angel's Hospital London Clinic
-Instituto Internacional de Medicina Metabólica


All insurances

Waiting Time:

1 month

In Practice Since Year:
Fellowship & Certificates:

-Certified by the Mexican College of Obstetrics And Gynaecology
- Certified in ESGE Bachelor in Endoscopy by the European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery and European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy
-Certified in ESGE Minimal Invasive Gynecological Surgeon, with distinction, Academy of Gynecological Surgery, and European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy
- Medical Director Reproductive Surgery, of the Mexican Society of Reproductive Medicine
- Fellowship in Laparoscopic Excision treatment of Deep endometriosis, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, 2018-2019


Obstetrics and Gynecology, Spanish Hospital of Mexico City 2012-2016


- Doctor of Medicine, Anahuac University School of Medicine, 2005-2011
- Master’s Degree, Administration of Health Enterprises, Anáhuac University School of Medicine, 2020-2022

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Maria Sol Paz
Knowledge of endometriosis :
Bedside manner :
Pre procedure explanation :
Follow up care :
Achieving your desired outcome :

Dr. Ramiro Cabrera Carranco is an excellent specialist and literally changed my life. I had a very late diagnosis (at 47 years old) and decided to travel to Mexico from Argentina to access excision surgery six months ago.
I underwent excision surgery, hysterectomy, and unilateral oophorectomy due to severe endometriosis (grade 4 deep endometriosis), mild adenomyosis, and 4 submucosal/subserosal uterine fibroids. My recovery was fast, with no complications, and I have been asymptomatic since surgery, with no hormonal therapy. The previous evaluation, the surgery and the post-surgical interdisciplinary follow-up, which includes nutritional and pelvic floor therapies, have been of excellent quality.
Symptoms before surgery: daily pelvic/abdominal pain, menstrual periods of 14-25 days, occasional intermenstrual bleeding, urinary symptoms (frequent urination, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, pain with full bladder), sexual (pain with sexual arousal and deep penetration) and digestive symptoms (diarrhea with menstruation/constipation, intense abdominal bloating), and constant migraines.
Current symptoms: mild abdominal bloating, probably related with my pelvic varicose veins and food intolerances. Vaginal dryness after hysterectomy.

El Dr. Ramiro Cabrera Carranco es un excelente especialista y literalmente cambió mi vida. Tuve un diagnóstico muy tardío (a los 47 años) y decidí viajar a México desde Argentina para acceder a la cirugía de escisión hace seis meses.
Me sometí a una cirugía de escisión amplia, histerectomía y ooforectomía unilateral debido a endometriosis grave (endometriosis profunda de grado 4), adenomiosis leve y 4 fibromas uterinos submucosos/subserosos. Mi recuperación fue rápida, sin complicaciones, y estoy asintomática desde la cirugía, sin terapia hormonal. La evaluación previa, la cirugía y el seguimiento interdisciplinario posquirúrgico, que incluye terapias nutricionales y del suelo pélvico, han sido de excelente calidad.
Síntomas previos a la cirugía: dolor pélvico/abdominal diario, períodos menstruales de 14-25 días, sangrado intermenstrual ocasional, síntomas urinarios (micción frecuente, sensación de vaciado incompleto de la vejiga, dolor con la vejiga llena), sexuales (dolor con excitación sexual y penetración) y síntomas digestivos (diarrea con menstruación/estreñimiento, distensión abdominal intensa), y migrañas constantes.
Síntomas actuales: distensión abdominal leve, probablemente relacionada con mis venas varicosas pélvicas e intolerancias alimentarias. Sequedad vaginal después de la histerectomía.

Phone: +1-858-462-6510
WhatsApp: +1-858-462-6510
Email: drmayragonzalez@endoglobalgroup.com