Visit types: Office/Hospital
Spoken languages: English
Interpreting services for other languages: No
Philosophy of care and typical treatment strategies: Treatments can consist of joint mobilizations, soft tissue work, myofascial and trigger-point release, strain/counter-strain techniques, modalities for pain or tissue relaxation as well as re-education with computerized biofeedback up-training (strengthening) or down-training (relaxation). Real-time ultrasound is used for muscle imaging and instructional use to teach our patients how to control their muscles. We teach each patient a personalized home instruction program that can empower them to manage their own symptoms. Manual therapy for biomechanical pelvic positioning, osteopathic approach to all joints along with rib realignment, visceral mobilization, along with craniosacral therapy (if needed), internal vaginal and rectal pelvic floor muscle release to decrease muscle spasms to improve pain.