Megan Luybli, MS, RDN, LDN
Visit Type: Office
City: Bethlehem, PA
Spoken languages: English
Interpreting services for other languages: No
We value patient-centered care, meaning that we are here to support the decisions that are best for you rather than the decisions others may think are best. We know living with endo is exhausting and excruciating, and you don’t need to go at it alone. We are a weight-inclusive and HAES® aligned practice, meaning we’re here to help better your relationship with food and your body. We also specialize in eating disorder recovery.
We know that gentle nutrition may be helpful in managing endo symptoms. Hot take: we also know food isn’t the end-all-be-all to heal your endo. We’re here to help alleviate GI symptoms while also supporting you in other ways that you may need (ie. advocating for you when you go to the doctor).