Consequences of many laparoscopic surgeries


What is not discussed much are the consequences of many laparoscopic surgeries for endometriosis.  I had 3 early laparoscopic surgeries for endometriosis and a 4th laparoscopic surgery that did hysterectomy with bi-lateral oopherectomy (4th surgery).

What is not discussed are the consequences of these surgeries that show up immediately post-operatively or long term.  My first lap surgery at age 21 left me with a hydrocele on the right round ligament that was caused by the surgeon “picking” black endo lesions off the ligaments and trying to loosen them.  I had pain in right groin immediately post-op at age 21 and sharp pain putting right foot on the ground when walking or turning.  By age 27 imaging showed nothing.  However, one night the ligament “burst” and a fluid filled cyst formed (I had enormous sharp pain for about a minute during the night).  Next morning,  a small egg-sized lump in groin but it could not be pushed back in.  Surgery ensued in groin and it was a hydrocele on right round ligament caused by a bad surgeon “picking” black lesions off my right round ligament when I was 21.  I suffered enormously for 5 years with this “injured” ligament.  Walking was very difficult and I was trying to enter my profession and really was having a hard time walking.  Groin pain is not easily explained, let alone round ligament pain.  I think the study of post-operative laparoscopic consequences for women with endo need to be studied.

After laparoscopic hysterectomy at age 33, I had weird rectal pain.  Like hot pokers in rectum.  I felt tethered with a rope between my belly button and rectum.  I had had deep rectal endo excision.  I felt heavy post-operatively like a football in my abdominal.  My pelvic floor felt like it was “dropping” whenever I lifted anything, particularly when pulling sheets out of a washing machine or tugging on bedding to put on a bed.  Pulling and tugging or lifting over a litre was a problem.  As the day wore on I felt heavier and heavier.  By age 44, I had EXTREME pain under laparoscopic portal above the pubic bone where surgeons had gone into 3 times using the same portal.  They should not have done this.  The pain was so awful under this portal that I wanted to stab a knife into it to get rid of the pain.  Anything.  A burning cigarette would have felt “good” too if I had jammed it into this site.  Imaging showed nothing. 26 surgeons seen in Ontario, Canada.  Nothing.  Many emergency trips, much imaging.  Nothing showed. Cortisone shots at site helped but I w cut off and denied after about 5 years and they really had stopped working.  I could not get morphine for pain.  I wanted to die.  I could not keep going.  Waves and waves of pain all day every day at this portal site.

Age 55, I went to San Francisco and was cut open in exploratory surgery.  I paid for this surgery as I am Canadian and cannot get US insurance.  Large neuroma underneath the laparoscopic portal.  Also, large occult inguinal hernia under this laparoscopic portal.  Also, broken hydrocele wire found.  15 years of suffering with all this as physicians do not understand that laparoscopic surgeries have consequences.  They are NOT “EASIER’ and take DaVinci robot that was used during my hysterectomy at age 33 did damage as did the surgeron.

Age 57, more damage due to endo and its repeated laparoscopic surgeries.  Another surgery in New York City.  Groin surgeon.  Trochar hernia and belly button hernia – occult again so they did not see on imaging and occult hernias not fixed in Ontario.  Another inguinal hernia as well.  Vaginal vault lift.  Rectocele and cystocele will be repaired later.

I was told by US Gynecologist that the “frailty” of a pelvic floor in someone like me who has had many laparoscopic surgery (only 4) for endometriosis “is not well understand.” What is also not “understood” are the “consequences of many laparoscopic surgery on the groin”.  Hernias, hernias, neuromas, prolapses etc.  Studies need to be done.  I believe full incisions are better option.

  • Katharine Wowk asked 2 years ago
  • last edited 2 years ago
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