Some endometriosis surgeons are interested in receiving the iCareBetter VideoVetted certificate to prove their skills through a double-blind review process. For receiving this certificate, each surgeon needs to submit their surgical videos for double-blind review. The review process facilitates examination of your surgical abilities and your approach to treatment. To ensure rigor, you will be required to submit 3 full-length videos of your surgeries, alongside their respective operative and pathology reports, which will all be anonymously vetted by expert surgeons admitted to our platform. If the reviewers give on average a 70% or higher score to your videos, you will receive a Video-Vetted certificate.

Fee: the fee for reviewing your videos is a one time $400 USD. This money will be spent on the review process to reimburse surgeons and admin work. With this fee you will get experts’ feedback on your surgical techniques for excision of endometriosis, which can be a great source of education for you. If the final score is 70% and above, a Video-Vetted sign will be added to your iCareBetter profile. There is no subscription fee upon approval to iCareBetter. Please use this link to pay for the review fee. 

For more information, please email 

The review process starts after we receive your application fee of $1000 along with a full application.
These are the steps of application processing:
1. The review will be double-blind which means the reviewers will not be informed about the the applicant’s identity and vice versa. We try to send videos to reviewer(s) in a region different than the applicant’s local region to minimize the conflict of interest.
2. Videos, pathology reports, and operative reports will be sent to three iCareBetter VideoVetted surgeons to rate the surgery using this questionnaire:×3/
In the questionnaire, the average Overall Impression rating for each region needs to be 7 or more to pass and be considered for listing on the website.
3. The rest of your application will be sent to an advocate with clinical and/or research background for assessment.
4. The iCareBetter team members will evaluate your background.
5. iCareBetter team compiles the results of the double-blind evaluations and will inform you about the results.

For more information, please email


A. Surgical videos: Three full unedited and de-identified videos from three different surgeries that you have done*. Videos will be assessed for surgeon’s skills in initial surveillance and exploration of the lesions as well as excision of the endometriosis lesions. These three videos should collectively include the full excision of stage II or higher endometriosis in Pelvic Sidewall, Rectovaginal Septum, and Endometrioma. Other regions are optional.

Sample: Please watch the following link to get yourself familiarized with the video review process:×4/

B. Operative reports: Each video needs an operative report*.
C. Pathology reports: Each video needs a pathology report*.

*Please de-identify all names and identifying information from the submitted documents to protect patients’ privacy.

– Please use your online storage service, such as iCloud, Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc., to send us three full unedited videos of your surgeries. For each surgical video uploaded, please attach the corresponding operative and pathology reports.

– For each specific category(s) (diaphragm, thoracic, cardiac, deep bowel, and/or urinary tract) that you are interested in, please upload the additional video(s) pertaining to that specific area(s) (operative and pathology reports are NOT needed for specific regions.)

– Please share your files via email to “” through your storage (i.e. Dropbox, iCloud, WeTransfer, Box, Google Drive, One Drive, etc)


You have the option to introduce yourself as an expert in more complex cases of endometriosis surgeries such as urinary tract, diaphragm, bowel, lung, and heart. For that purpose, there are two options:

Option 1:  You should show the surgery on the desired complex section in at least one of your three initial cases. For example, if you want to apply for Bowel Endometriosis segment, we expect to see a deep bowel case (disc excision or bowel resection) in at least one of your three submitted videos.

Option 2: In case the option 1 does not work for you and you can not cover all your desired segments in the initial three videos, we suggest you submit your initial application with three videos and cover as much as you can in these videos.  Then after your approval for VideoVetted certificate, you will have the chance to submit other videos to get certified for specific segments. In this situation, for each segment, please submit one video of your team doing the surgery on that specific region.

Please contact us if you run into any problems:
Phone: +1(617)963-0206