Endometriosis Quick Facts to Share
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is an inflammatory disorder where lesions similar to the lining of the uterus are located outside of the uterus. Endometriosis lesions have distinct differences from the lining of the uterus in both their form and function. The lesions release proinflammatory chemicals, can produce estrogen, can grow their own nerves and blood vessels, and can cause adhesions. It is usually located in the pelvis but has been found in other areas throughout the body. An estimated 11% of people assigned female at birth (including teenagers)have endometriosis- although it has been found in men on rare occasion.
What causes it?
No one knows. There is a genetic component, with higher rates seen in those with close relatives having endometriosis. It has been found in fetuses, suggesting it is present before birth.
What are its symptoms?
Endometriosis has many symptoms- from chronic pelvic pain to fatigue to infertility. Symptom severity does not necessarily correlate with the extent of lesions.
- Pain: chronic pelvic pain, pain with menses, pain in between menses, pain with exercise, pain with sex, pain with bowel movements, pain with urination, low back pain
- Fatigue
- Bowel symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome such as constipation, diarrhea, and bloating
- Infertility
- And many others
How is diagnosed?
Endometriosis is diagnosed with surgery, preferably with pathology from tissue samples. Some imaging, such as MRI’s and ultrasounds, can rule in endometriosis, but they cannot rule it out. The accuracy of diagnosis depends on the knowledge and skill of the provider.
How is it treated?
While there is no definitive cure for endometriosis, excision surgery where all lesions are removed is recommended. The skill and knowledge of the surgeon is paramount in the ability to recognize and remove all lesions. Hormonal medication might help temporarily with symptom management, but it cannot be used to diagnosis, cure (“clean up”), or prevent the progression of endometriosis. Endometriosis can persist after a hysterectomy or menopause. Endometriosis is often present with other painful conditions such as adenomyosis and interstitial cystitis.
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Chronic Pelvic Pain: More Than Endometriosis Alone
If you have chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis is likely- endometriosis is diagnosed in up to 80% of patients with chronic pelvic pain (Butrick, 2007). Endometriosis is bad enough, but it is frequently accompanied by other conditions that can cause chronic pelvic pain and other symptoms similar to endometriosis. For instance:
- Adenomyosis: Adenomyosis and endometriosis have been found together anywhere from 21.8% to 79% of the time (Antero et al., 2017; Di Donato et al., 2014; Kunz et al., 2005).
- Interstitial cystitis (IC): The so-called “evil twin” of endometriosis occurs in anywhere between 33-65% of people with endometriosis (Butrick, 2007; Chung et al., 2005). One article stated that “if [endometriosis] symptoms recur within the first 12 months after surgical therapy, IC should be considered as a possible cause” or “when therapy for the symptoms of endometriosis is unsuccessful, increasing evidence suggests that IC may be an underlying cause” (Butrick, 2007).
- Endometrial/uterine polyps: Uterine polyps have been found in 48% of people with endometriosis (Zhang et al., 2018; Zheng et al., 2015). And if you have uterine polyps, you are also more likely to have adenomyosis as well (Indraccolo & Barbieri, 2011).
- Fibroids (Leiomyomas): Both endometriosis and fibroids have been found together in 12-26% of patients, although one small study found both in 86% of the patients studied (Huang et al., 2010; Nezhat et al., 2016; Uimara et al., 2011).
These can also lead to other problems such as pelvic floor dysfunction. Other conditions not necessarily associated with endometriosis can also cause chronic pelvic pain. These might include pelvic congestion syndrome, pudendal neuralgia, or occult hernias. This is why it is so important to identify other pain/symptom generators and treat those as well. If it all gets blamed on endometriosis, you may miss a key to finding relief.
Antero, M. F., O’Sullivan, D., Mandavilli, S., & Mullins, J. (2017). High prevalence of endometriosis in patients with histologically proven adenomyosis. Fertility and Sterility, 107(3), e46. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2017.02.088
Butrick, C. W. (2007). Patients with chronic pelvic pain: endometriosis or interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome?. JSLS: Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 11(2), 182. Retrieved from https://europepmc.org/article/med/17761077
Chung, M. K., Chung, R. P., & Gordon, D. (2005). Interstitial cystitis and endometriosis in patients with chronic pelvic pain: the “evil twins” syndrome. JSLS: Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 9(1), 25. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3015562/
Di Donato, N., Montanari, G., Benfenati, A., Leonardi, D., Bertoldo, V., Monti, G., … & Seracchioli, R. (2014). Prevalence of adenomyosis in women undergoing surgery for endometriosis. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 181, 289-293. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejogrb.2014.08.016
Huang, J. Q., Lathi, R. B., Lemyre, M., Rodriguez, H. E., Nezhat, C. H., & Nezhat, C. (2010). Coexistence of endometriosis in women with symptomatic leiomyomas. Fertility and sterility, 94(2), 720-723. Retrieved from https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(09)00620-7/pdf
Indraccolo, U., & Barbieri, F. (2011). Relationship between adenomyosis and uterine polyps. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 157(2), 185-189. Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21470766/
Kunz, G., Beil, D., Huppert, P., Noe, M., Kissler, S., & Leyendecker, G. (2005). Adenomyosis in endometriosis—prevalence and impact on fertility. Evidence from magnetic resonance imaging. Human reproduction, 20(8), 2309-2316. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/dei021
Nezhat, C., Li, A., Abed, S., Balassiano, E., Soliemannjad, R., Nezhat, A., … & Nezhat, F. (2016). Strong association between endometriosis and symptomatic leiomyomas. JSLS: Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 20(3). doi: 10.4293/JSLS.2016.00053
Uimari, O., Järvelä, I., & Ryynänen, M. (2011). Do symptomatic endometriosis and uterine fibroids appear together?. Journal of human reproductive sciences, 4(1), 34. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136067/
Zhang, Y. N., Zhang, Y. S., Yu, Q., Guo, Z. Z., Ma, J. L., & Yan, L. (2018). Higher prevalence of endometrial polyps in infertile patients with endometriosis. Gynecologic and obstetric investigation, 83(6), 558-563. DOI:10.1159/000487946
Zheng, Q. M., Mao, H. L., Zhao, Y. J., Zhao, J., Wei, X., & Liu, P. S. (2015). Risk of endometrial polyps in women with endometriosis: a meta-analysis. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 13(1), 1-9. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1186/s12958-015-0092-2
Medication to Prevent Recurrence?
“Should I take medication to prevent recurrence of my endo?” There is no definitive answer to this question- it is an individual choice that should be discussed with your provider. However, evidence points to it not being needed if ALL endometriosis is removed with surgery. A few things to consider:
Is it truly a “recurrence” or just missed disease?
A significant factor to consider is if all endometriotic lesions were removed in the first place:
- “…findings all support that residual lesions seems to be the primary reason for the recurrence of the disease” (Selçuk & Bozdağ, 2013).
- “Lack of complete surgical excision was another independent risk factor for recurrence of disease” (Ianieri, Mautone, & Ceccaroni, 2018).
- Deep infiltrating disease has a much lower recurrence rate with complete excision versus incomplete (3.9% versus 35.3%!) (Cao et al., 2015).
- “The experience of the surgeon is also a factor that implies the risk of recurrence” (Selçuk & Bozdağ, 2013).
- Interestingly, prior medical treatment before excision can increase the risk for recurrence (Koga et al., 2013).
Does it involve a type of endometriosis that has higher recurrence risk, such as ovarian, peritoneal, or deep infiltrating disease (stage 3 or 4)? Are you at a young age (under 21 years)?
- There is a higher recurrence risk with ovarian, peritoneal, or deep infiltrating disease (stage 3 or 4) (Selçuk & Bozdağ, 2013). Ovarian endometriomas have a recurrence rate of 11-32% (higher risk in younger patients and those with advanced disease) (Koga et al., 2013).
- Those at a younger age (under 21 years) have a higher recurrence rate (Tandoi et al., 2011).
- However, these factors depend again on the ability to remove the disease. The skill of the surgeon and having an interdisciplinary team can increase the odds of removing more advanced disease and decrease the risk of recurrence- this holds true even for younger patients (Fischer et al., 2013; Yeung et al., 2011). (See Why Excision)
Are there other conditions that can be causing continued symptoms that are similar to endometriosis symptoms (adenomyosis, interstitial cystitis, etc.)?
- Most of us with endometriosis have more than one condition that can mimic the symptoms of endometriosis. These conditions need their own specific treatment. (See Related Conditions)
Remember, medications overall are “suppressive rather than curative” (Falcone & Flyckt, 2018). In addition, hormonal medication may not stop the progression of disease- this is particularly important where the ureters and/or bowel are involved (Barra et al., 2018; Ferrero et al., 2011; Millochau et al., 2016).
There are many studies and arguments for both sides. Here are a few:
Against it:
- “There is currently no evidence to support any treatment being recommended to prevent the recurrence of endometriosis following conservative surgery.” (Sanghera et al., 2016)
- “Many studies have investigated factors determining the recurrence of endometrioma and pain after surgery [16, 19, 20]…. Regardless of the mechanism, the present and previous studies suggest that postoperative medical treatment is known to delay but not completely prevent recurrence…. In our study, we also failed to observe a benefit for postoperative medication in preventing endometrioma and/or endometriosis-related pain recurrence.” (Li et al., 2019)
- “Complete laparoscopic excision of endometriosis in teenagers–including areas of typical and atypical endometriosis–has the potential to eradicate disease. These results do not depend on postoperative hormonal suppression.” (Yeung et al., 2011)
- “A systematic review found that post-surgical hormonal treatment of endometriosis compared with surgery alone has no benefit for the outcomes of pain or pregnancy rates…it found that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that hormonal suppression in association with surgery for endometriosis is associated with a significant benefit with regard to any of the outcomes identified….Moreover, even if post-operation medication proves to be effective in reducing recurrence risk, it is questionable that ‘all’ patients would require such medication in order to reduce the risk of recurrence. It has been reported that about 9% of women with endometriosis simply do not respond to progestin treatment….Therefore, the use of post-operation medication indiscriminately may cause unnecessary side effects (and an increase in health care costs) in some patients who may intrinsically have a much lower risk than others and in others who may be simply resistant to the therapy. The identification of high-risk patients who may benefit the most from drug intervention would remain a challenge.” (Guo, 2009)
- “GnRHa administration is followed by a temporary improvement of pain in patients with incomplete surgical treatment. It seems that it has no role on post-surgical pain when the surgeon is able to completely excise DIE implants.” (Angioni et al., 2015)
For it:
- “Post-operative hormonal suppression following conservative endometriosis surgery decreases the odds of disease recurrence and results in greater reductions in pelvic pain/dysmenorrhea compared to expectant management.” (Zakhari et al., 2019)
- “Laparoscopic excision is considered as the ‘gold standard’ treatment of ovarian endometrioma. However, a frustrating aspect is that disease can recur….Regarding post-operative medical management for preventing recurrence, GnRH analogue and danazol have not been proved to be effective mainly because most trials used these drugs over short periods. In contrast, long term administration of OC is safe and tolerable and recommended for those who do not want to conceive immediately after the surgery.” (Koga et al., 2013)
Angioni, S., Pontis, A., Dessole, M., Surico, D., Nardone, C. D. C., & Melis, I. (2015). Pain control and quality of life after laparoscopic en-block resection of deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) vs. incomplete surgical treatment with or without GnRHa administration after surgery. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 291(2), 363-370. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00404-014-3411-5
Barra, F., Scala, C., Biscaldi, E., Vellone, V. G., Ceccaroni, M., Terrone, C., & Ferrero, S. (2018). Ureteral endometriosis: a systematic review of epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, risk of malignant transformation and fertility. Human reproduction update, 24(6), 710-730. https://academic.oup.com/humupd/article/24/6/710/5085039?login=true
Cao, Q., Lu, F., Feng, W. W., Ding, J. X., & Hua, K. Q. (2015). Comparison of complete and incomplete excision of deep infiltrating endometriosis. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine, 8(11), 21497. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4723943/
Falcone, T., & Flyckt, R. (2018). Clinical management of endometriosis. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 131(3), 557-571. Retrieved from https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/Abstract/2018/03000/Clinical_Management_of_Endometriosis.23.aspx?context=FeaturedArticles&collectionId=4
Ferrero, S., Camerini, G., Venturini, P. L., Biscaldi, E., & Remorgida, V. (2011). Progression of bowel endometriosis during treatment with the oral contraceptive pill. Gynecological Surgery, 8(3), 311-313. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10397-010-0610-3
Fischer, J., Giudice, L. C., Milad, M., Mosbrucker, C., & Sinervo, K. R. (2013). Diagnosis & management of endometriosis: pathophysiology to practice. APGO Educational Series on Women’s Health Issues. Retrieved from https://www.ed.ac.uk/files/atoms/files/diagnosis_and_management_of_endometriosis_booklet.pdf
Guo, S. W. (2009). Recurrence of endometriosis and its control. Human reproduction update, 15(4), 441-461. Retrieved from http://humupd.oxfordjournals.org/content/15/4/441.full
Ianieri, M. M., Mautone, D., & Ceccaroni, M. (2018). Recurrence in deep infiltrating endometriosis: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of minimally invasive gynecology, 25(5), 786-793. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1553465018300372
Koga, K., Osuga, Y., Takemura, Y., Takamura, M., & Taketani, Y. (2013). Recurrence of endometrioma after laparoscopic excision and its prevention by medical management. Front Biosci (Elite Ed), 5, 676-683. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2da7/5702eac08b0a32fb31bd5478be9e5d43a8b7.pdf
Li, X. Y., Chao, X. P., Leng, J. H., Zhang, W., Zhang, J. J., Dai, Y., … & Wu, Y. S. (2019). Risk factors for postoperative recurrence of ovarian endometriosis: long-term follow-up of 358 women. Journal of Ovarian Research, 12(1), 79. Retrieved from https://ovarianresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13048-019-0552-y
Millochau, J. C., Abo, C., Darwish, B., Huet, E., Dietrich, G., & Roman, H. (2016). Continuous amenorrhea may be insufficient to stop the progression of colorectal endometriosis. Journal of minimally invasive gynecology, 23(5), 839-842. Retrieved from https://www.jmig.org/article/S1553-4650(16)30047-4/abstract?fbclid=IwAR2Q7o1kJtfNNgMd0Q4_5K0BDe9_DjH1QOUTxTLK2HpgiFVgws5NT9xVdwo
Sanghera, S., Barton, P., Bhattacharya, S., Horne, A. W., & Roberts, T. E. (2016). Pharmaceutical treatments to prevent recurrence of endometriosis following surgery: a model-based economic evaluation. BMJ open, 6(4), e010580. Retrieved from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/6/4/e010580.long
Selçuk, İ., & Bozdağ, G. (2013). Recurrence of endometriosis; risk factors, mechanisms and biomarkers; review of the literature. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, 14(2), 98. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.2217/whe.15.56
Tandoi, I., Somigliana, E., Riparini, J., Ronzoni, S., & Candiani, M. (2011). High rate of endometriosis recurrence in young women. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 24(6), 376-379. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpag.2011.06.012
Yeung Jr, P., Sinervo, K., Winer, W., & Albee Jr, R. B. (2011). Complete laparoscopic excision of endometriosis in teenagers: is postoperative hormonal suppression necessary?. Fertility and sterility, 95(6), 1909-1912. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21420081
Zakhari, A., Delpero, E., McKeown, S., Murji, A., & Bougie, O. (2019). Long Term Outcomes of Post-Operative Hormonal Suppression in Patients with Endometriosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 26(7), S90. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1553465019311641
My experience with pelvic physical therapy
I had never heard of pelvic physical therapy when my doctor suggested it. I was both wary of what pelvic physical therapy would entail and how much it might help. Pain from endometriosis, especially pain that has gone on for years, can contribute to myofascial issues (Aredo et al., 2017; dos Bispo et al., 2016). Most people with endometriosis have other conditions that can contribute to chronic pelvic pain as well. Pelvic physical therapy can be a great part of a treatment plan for chronic pelvic pain (Weiss, Rich, & Swisher, 2012). It did help me tremendously- especially after I had my endometriosis lesions excised.
There is specialized training to do pelvic physical therapy. For instance, my pelvic PT held a certification in pelvic health physical therapy (CAPP) and knew that kegels weren’t a blanket treatment for pelvic conditions in women (see “Everyone should do kegels” and other pelvic floor myths).
When I went for my initial consultation with the pelvic physical therapist, she went through my history and did both an external and internal exam. She assessed what might be contributing to my problems. She used external electromyographic biofeedback where I could see the screen and see how tight my pelvic floor muscles were (off the chart so tight).
My PT then created a plan to address my specific issues to help restore balance to my body and retrain my pelvic floor muscles to release. She utilized biofeedback, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, yoga therapy, myofascial release techniques, manual joint mobilization and therapeutic exercises. She also adapted my plan based on my feedback. Having a knowledgeable pelvic physical therapist is so important- because everyone is different and will need a unique treatment plan.
I did 3 months of physical therapy before surgery and then 3 more months after. I noted some improvement before surgery, but it wasn’t until after my surgery to remove my endometriosis that I really noticed a big difference. It did take that amount of time to heal after surgery and continue the physical therapy work in order to get to a point that I felt I was where I wanted to be. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.
If you are considering pelvic physical therapy, then check out our Treatment page and look under Physical Therapy.
Here are some good places to start to learn more about pelvic physical therapy and how it might help you:
- Preparing for Pelvic Floor Therapy
- Pelvic Floor Spasm: The missing link in chronic pelvic pain
- Recognition and Management of Nonrelaxing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
- 10 Expert Physio Techniques that Relieve Pelvic Floor Muscle Tension and Pelvic Pain Fast
- Video: Endometriosis, Your Pelvic Floor, and You
- Video: Painful Sex and the Endo Pelvis
- Aredo, J. V., Heyrana, K. J., Karp, B. I., Shah, J. P., & Stratton, P. (2017, January). Relating chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis to signs of sensitization and myofascial pain and dysfunction. In Seminars in reproductive medicine (Vol. 35, No. 1, p. 88). NIH Public Access. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5585080/
- dos Bispo, A. P. S., Ploger, C., Loureiro, A. F., Sato, H., Kolpeman, A., Girão, M. J. B. C., & Schor, E. (2016). Assessment of pelvic floor muscles in women with deep endometriosis. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 294(3), 519-523. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00404-016-4025-x
- Weiss, P. M., Rich, J., & Swisher, E. (2012). Pelvic floor spasm: the missing link in chronic pelvic pain. Contemporary OB/GYN. Retrieved from dos Bispo, A. P. S., Ploger, C., Loureiro, A. F., Sato, H., Kolpeman, A., Girão, M. J. B. C., & Schor, E. (2016). Assessment of pelvic floor muscles in women with deep endometriosis. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 294(3), 519-523. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00404-016-4025-x
Fatigue with Endometriosis
Fatigue is a symptom of endometriosis and can be quite debilitating (Ramin-Wright et al., 2018). Taber’s Medical Dictionary (n.d.) defines fatigue as “an overwhelming sustained feeling of exhaustion and diminished capacity for physical and mental work.” Fatigue with an illness often does not improve with rest (Louati & Berenbaum, 2015).
Endometriosis is an inflammatory disorder, and this inflammation can lead to fatigue. Inflammatory molecules, such as prostaglandins, cytokines, etc., contribute to fatigue as well as problems with “sleep, cognition, anxiety, and depression” (Poon et al., 2015; Zielinski, Systrom, & Rose, 2019). Chronic low-grade inflammation can cause a reduction in energy on the cellular level (Lacourt et al., 2018). In a circular pattern, inflammation can lead to pain, sleep problems, stress, and depression….which can lead to more inflammation. In addition, hormones, “mainly estradiol,” can “promote the expression and release of pro-inflammatory factors” (García-Gómez et al., 2020). Endometriosis lesions have shown higher amounts of estrogen receptors as well as progesterone resistance- making them susceptible to inflammatory promotion from estrogen (see Role of Estrogen Receptor in Endometriosis).
Pain can lead to sleep problems, and sleep disorders can also cause more inflammation, leading to more pain and fatigue (Lacourt et al., 2018; Zielinski, Systrom, & Rose, 2019). On a good note: “melatonin therapy has been shown to attenuate inflammatory cytokines…thus could potentially be beneficial in combating fatigue” (Zielinski, Systrom, & Rose, 2019). Stress, even good stress, can take a toll on your body and mind. Chronic stress can lead to more inflammation which can contribute to feelings of fatigue (Zielinski, Systrom, & Rose, 2019). Inflammation can affect neurotransmitters which can affect both fatigue and mood (Zielinski, Systrom, & Rose, 2019). Lee & Giuliani (2019) report that “depression and fatigue are associated with an increased activation of the immune system which may serve as a valid target for treatment.” They also note that “antidepressants have been shown to decrease inflammation” (Lee & Giuliani, 2019).
So we see that many things can contribute to fatigue. Fatigue is difficult to treat, especially if the underlying cause is not addressed. Ramin-Wright et al. (2018) states that “as fatigue is experienced by numerous women with endometriosis, it needs to be addressed in the discussion of management and treatment of the disease. In addition to treating endometriosis, it would be beneficial to reduce insomnia, depression, pain and occupational stress in order to better manage fatigue.” It is also important to remember that fatigue is a symptom of many disorders, so do not automatically assume that endometriosis is the only cause of your fatigue- it’s important to rule out other causes too.
- “Endometriosis Fatigue Management”
- “This Is What Chronic Fatigue Feels Like”
- “Fatigue is a constant state of being tired—not sleepy, but physically exhausted.”
Lee, C. H., & Giuliani, F. (2019). The role of inflammation in depression and fatigue. Frontiers in immunology, 10, 1696. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2019.01696
García-Gómez, E., Vázquez-Martínez, E. R., Reyes-Mayoral, C., Cruz-Orozco, O. P., Camacho-Arroyo, I., & Cerbón, M. (2020). Regulation of inflammation pathways and inflammasome by sex steroid hormones in endometriosis. Frontiers in endocrinology, 10, 935. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3389/fendo.2019.00935
Lacourt, T. E., Vichaya, E. G., Chiu, G. S., Dantzer, R., & Heijnen, C. J. (2018). The high costs of low-grade inflammation: persistent fatigue as a consequence of reduced cellular-energy availability and non-adaptive energy expenditure. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 12, 78. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5932180/#:~:text=We%20propose%20that%20chronic%20low,rapid%20generation%20of%20cellular%20energy.
Louati, K., & Berenbaum, F. (2015). Fatigue in chronic inflammation-a link to pain pathways. Arthritis research & therapy, 17(1), 1-10. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4593220/
Poon, D. C. H., Ho, Y. S., Chiu, K., Wong, H. L., & Chang, R. C. C. (2015). Sickness: From the focus on cytokines, prostaglandins, and complement factors to the perspectives of neurons. Neuroscience & biobehavioral reviews, 57, 30-45. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0149763415002006
Ramin-Wright, A., Schwartz, A. S. K., Geraedts, K., Rauchfuss, M., Wölfler, M. M., Haeberlin, F., … & Leeners, B. (2018). Fatigue–a symptom in endometriosis. Human reproduction, 33(8), 1459-1465. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/33/8/1459/5040620?login=true
Taber’s Medical Dictionary. (n.d.). Fatigue. Retrieved from https://www.tabers.com/tabersonline/view/Tabers-Dictionary/757231/all/fatigue
Zielinski, M. R., Systrom, D. M., & Rose, N. R. (2019). Fatigue, sleep, and autoimmune and related disorders. Frontiers in immunology, 10, 1827. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2019.01827
Ehlers Danlos and endometriosis
- Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a connective tissue disorder that can affect skin, joints, and many tissues in the body by its effect on collagen (National Organization for Rare Diseases, 2017).
- There are not many available studies on any association between endometriosis and Ehlers Danlos. Heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular menstruation, and severe pain during menstruation are symptoms of Ehlers Danlos (Castori, 2012). One study noted that, while those with Ehlers Danlos experience many common symptoms of endometriosis such as painful periods and painful penetration, “endometriosis was not highly prevalent in this population” (Hugon-Rodin et al., 2016). Another study also notes that “only occasionally” are those symptoms “related to an underlying gynecologic disorder, such as endometriosis” (Castori, 2012). In a presentation to the Ehlers Danlos Society in 2018, Dr. Blagowidow cites 6-23% of those with EDS also have endometriosis.
- The incidence of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is between 1 in 2500 and 1 in 5000 (Miklovic & Sieg, 2019). The incidence of endometriosis is 1 in 10 (Parasar, Ozcan, & Terry, 2017). There may be overlap in the conditions, but nothing definitive has been discovered associating it and endometriosis, aside from common symptoms.
- There are not many resources for treating the pelvic pain associated with Ehlers Danlos syndrome. NSAIDS, vitamin B1, magnesium, acupuncture, oral contraceptive pills, progesterone (pills or intrauterine device), and physical therapy are recommendations from Dr. Natalie Blagowidow (2018) to the Ehlers Danlos Society. You can read more about treatment options for endometriosis here.
Blagowidow, N. (2018). OB/GYN and EDS/HDS. Retrieved from https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/pdf/2018-annual-conference/N-Blagowidow-2018Baltimore-OB-GYN-and-EDS-HSD-S.pdf
Castori, M. (2012). Ehlers-danlos syndrome, hypermobility type: an underdiagnosed hereditary connective tissue disorder with mucocutaneous, articular, and systemic manifestations. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2012. Retrieved from https://www.hindawi.com/journals/isrn/2012/751768/
Hugon-Rodin, J., Lebègue, G., Becourt, S., Hamonet, C., & Gompel, A. (2016). Gynecologic symptoms and the influence on reproductive life in 386 women with hypermobility type Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: a cohort study. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 11(1), 1-6. Retrieved from https://ojrd.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13023-016-0511-2
Miklovic, T., & Sieg, V. C. (2019). Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK549814/
National Organization for Rare Diseases. (2017). Ehlers Danlos Syndromes. Retrieved from https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/ehlers-danlos-syndrome/#symptoms
Parasar, P., Ozcan, P., & Terry, K. L. (2017). Endometriosis: epidemiology, diagnosis and clinical management. Current obstetrics and gynecology reports, 6(1), 34-41. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5737931/#:~:text=Endometriosis%20affects%2010%E2%80%9315%25%20of,and%20reduced%20quality%20of%20life.
Endometriosis Getting on Your Nerves?
It really is! “Endometriosis lesions are known to be hyperinnervated” (Liu, Yan, & Guo, 2019). People with endometriosis have abnormal nerve growth and nerve fibers close to endometriosis lesions (Zheng, Zhang, Leng, & Lang, 2019). Pain with endometriosis is multifactorial, including irritation of nerves in the pelvis, new nerve growth, heightened sensitivity to pain, inflammation in the pelvis, and pain producing agents in the pelvic fluid (Ferrero, Vellone, & Barra, 2019). The interplay between nerves and inflammation is believed to play a significant role in pain. There are increased levels of multiple inflammatory factors in and around endometriosis lesions (Wei et al., 2020). Endometriosis “can also directly irritate and infiltrate pelvic nerves promoting endometriosis-associated pain” (Ferrero, Vellone, & Barra, 2019) and can lead “to corresponding neurological symptoms or deficits” (Working group of ESGE et al., 2020). Of all the nerve!!
Read more below:
- Liu, X., Yan, D., & Guo, S. W. (2019). Sensory nerve-derived neuropeptides accelerate the development and fibrogenesis of endometriosis. Human Reproduction, 34(3), 452-468. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article-abstract/34/3/452/5303712
“Endometriotic lesions are known to be hyperinnervated due to neurogenesis resulting from neutrophins secreted by endometriotic lesions and possibly platelets. These neutrophins seem to preferentially favour production of sensory neurons at the expense of sympathetic neurons….Since sensory nerves are known to be important in wound healing and fibrogenesis, our findings also give more credence to the notion that endometriotic lesions are wounds undergoing repeated tissue injury and repair.”
- Wei, Y., Liang, Y., Lin, H., Dai, Y., & Yao, S. (2020). Autonomic nervous system and inflammation interaction in endometriosis-associated pain. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 17(1), 1-24. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12974-020-01752-1
“…endometriosis is certainly a chronic inflammation disorder [4]. The levels and concentrations of active macrophages; interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8; nerve growth factor (NGF); other immune cells; and inflammatory factors are increased in peritoneal fluid (PF) and endometriotic lesions [4,5,6]. These changes are believed to contribute to serious symptoms of pain such as chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and dyspareunia [7]. Notably in deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) and intestinal endometriosis, the anatomical distribution of lesions is normally more closely related to pelvic pain symptoms [2]. Abnormal innervations are observed in most endometriotic lesions: an increased number of total intact nerve fibers, increased sensory and decreased sympathetic nerve fiber density (NFD) [6], the occurrence of cholinergic and unmyelinated nerve fibers, etc. [8] In various studies, these abnormal phenomena have been correlated with endometriosis-associated pain [6, 8,9,10]. More importantly, sympathetic and parasympathetic systems have different inflammation-related effects in different stages of inflammation [10].”
- Zheng, P., Zhang, W., Leng, J., & Lang, J. (2019). Research on central sensitization of endometriosis-associated pain: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of pain research, 12, 1447. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6514255/
“A growing body of evidence attests that patients with endometriosis endure pain associated with abnormal angiogenesis and the growth of novel nerve fibers in close proximity to ectopic lesions. Endometriotic lesions create an inflammatory environment and change the quality or quantity of inflammatory mediators or neurotransmitters, thereby stimulating peripheral nerve sensitization by remodeling the structure of peripheral synapses and accelerating conduction along nerve fibers…. Endometriosis-related pain is currently considered a form of neuropathic or neuroinflammatory pain.”
- Ferrero, S., Vellone, V. G., & Barra, F. (2019). Pathophysiology of pain in patients with peritoneal endometriosis. Annals of translational medicine, 7(Suppl 1). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6462618/
“The pathophysiology of the association between pain and endometriosis is still enigmatic. The cause of pain is likely to be multifactorial (Table 1) (9,10). In patients with severe endometriosis with large ovarian cysts and DIE, pain can be caused by the distortion of the pelvic anatomy and by the presence of extensive adhesions (involving the uterus, the ovaries and the rectosigmoid) (Figure 1) (10). However, there is a poor correlation between the degree of pain and the severity of endometriosis. Some patients with intense pain symptoms have only small endometriotic implants on the peritoneal surface while other patients with severe endometriosis are almost asymptomatic….patients with endometriosis have an inflammatory process within the peritoneal cavity. In fact, women with endometriosis have increased concentration of inflammatory cells (macrophages and T lymphocytes), chemokines (MCP1, RANTES), inflammatory cytokines (IL1β, IL6, IL8, TNFα) and inflammatory molecules in the peritoneal fluid (11). These molecules and cells can sensitize peripheral nerves promoting the generation of pain (12). In addition, some pain-inducing molecules (such as prostaglandins) have elevated concentration in peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis. Finally, endometriotic nodule can also directly irritate and infiltrate pelvic nerves promoting endometriosis-associated pain (13).”
- Working group of ESGE, ESHRE, and WES, Keckstein, J., Becker, C. M., Canis, M., Feki, A., Grimbizis, G. F., … & Tanos, V. (2020). Recommendations for the surgical treatment of endometriosis. Part 2: deep endometriosis. Human Reproduction Open, 2020(1), hoaa002. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/hropen/article/2020/1/hoaa002/5733057
“Endometriosis close to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibres (hypogastric plexus and splanchnic nerves) can lead to a dysfunction of pelvic organs (e.g. dysfunction of the bladder as well as disturbance of vaginal lubrication and intestinal dysfunction) (Possover, 2014). Involvement of somatic nerves, such as the sacral plexus and the sciatic nerve, leads to corresponding neurological symptoms or deficits.”
Ferrero, S., Vellone, V. G., & Barra, F. (2019). Pathophysiology of pain in patients with peritoneal endometriosis. Annals of translational medicine, 7(Suppl 1). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6462618/
Liu, X., Yan, D., & Guo, S. W. (2019). Sensory nerve-derived neuropeptides accelerate the development and fibrogenesis of endometriosis. Human Reproduction, 34(3), 452-468. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article-abstract/34/3/452/5303712
Wei, Y., Liang, Y., Lin, H., Dai, Y., & Yao, S. (2020). Autonomic nervous system and inflammation interaction in endometriosis-associated pain. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 17(1), 1-24. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12974-020-01752-1
Working group of ESGE, ESHRE, and WES, Keckstein, J., Becker, C. M., Canis, M., Feki, A., Grimbizis, G. F., … & Tanos, V. (2020). Recommendations for the surgical treatment of endometriosis. Part 2: deep endometriosis. Human Reproduction Open, 2020(1), hoaa002. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/hropen/article/2020/1/hoaa002/5733057
Zheng, P., Zhang, W., Leng, J., & Lang, J. (2019). Research on central sensitization of endometriosis-associated pain: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of pain research, 12, 1447. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6514255/
A Look Back on 2020- Endometriosis Research
2020 has been…different (to say the least!). Despite the pandemic, multiple research articles on endometriosis have emerged that validate the patient experience and offer glimpses into endometriosis that may help better patient care in the future. Most research studies conclude that more research is needed. Here’s a look at just a few research articles that were published in 2020:
- Impact from Covid-19 pandemic:
The pandemic has affected healthcare on every level and continues to today. The impact of the pandemic on endometriosis care was studied May through June of 2020 by Demetriou et al. (2020) and in their commentary, they report that “the impact on planned care was much greater: 50.0% of responders reported cancelled/postponed appointments with gynaecologists and 14.7% described cancelled/postponed primary care appointments; 37.2% had procedures cancelled/postponed (surgery: 27.0%; fertility: 12.0%). These proportions were similar around the world.”
The authors also addressed the question that many have on whether endometriosis makes them more vulnerable to Covid-19. The short answer is no. The authors state that the question might arise “because the known link to altered immunological responses has been misinterpreted as endometriosis being an autoimmune condition, with additional concerns for those with thoracic endometriosis”. Likewise, Leonardi et al. (2020) states that “there is no evidence that those with endometriosis are at increased risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 or developing COVID-19 disease…. At this time, we do not believe that the COVID-19 pandemic warrants a sustained change in the overall medical approach to the management of endometriosis (e.g., avoid surgery and favor medical management).”
Leonardi et al. (2020) has a hope that good can come from the pandemic on healthcare. They conclude that out of the pandemic, they hope that “there may be an ongoing openness to telehealth” that could “dramatically minimize the geographic barriers to care that many women experience, and facilitate the development of endometriosis networks of expertise”, that “there may be increased awareness to self-management strategies that have always existed, yet were under-utilized (e.g., mindfulness, physical exercise, and diet)”, and that a “discerning approach to surgery now and in the future, so that we ‘operate sparingly and operate well.’” (Leonardi et al., 2020)
2. Quality of Life:
In an aptly named article “The Burden of Endometriosis on Women’s Lifespan” by Della Corte et al. (2020), the authors demonstrate how endometriosis affects every aspect of a person’s life. This does not surprise those of us with endometriosis, but it does validate what we experience. Della Corte et al. (2020) assert that “endometriosis has not only physical but also psychological effects, causing depression, anxiety, and compromising social relationships. Furthermore, endometriosis negatively impacts sexual life and social relationships. At last, the economic burden of endometriosis should not be underestimated, both individually and for the community, as this pathology leads to a loss of productivity at work and large use of health resources. Thus, endometriosis-related symptoms control women’s lives compromising the quality of life in all aspects.”
- Social Impact: Those with endometriosis demonstrated “a negative impact on relationships, in particular for the lack of understanding and support from others [36]. In addition, previous studies have shown that women feel ashamed of their condition and as a result feel unable to discuss their health with their employer, colleagues, friends, and family [74]. This can lead to the fact that the women felt isolated and alone with endometriosis, as shown in a narrative review on the social and psychological impact of living with endometriosis [34]. It was also highlighted that sometimes the consideration of the effect of the disease on the quality of life is not taken into consideration even by clinicians with consequent compromise in the patient’s medical relationship. In a qualitative study, it has been reported that women highlighted negative experiences with health care clinicians, not receiving support from them….The major and most frequent negative effect of endometriosis is on intimate relationships. Dyspareunia harms sex and intimacy for couples….However, a cross-sectional qualitative study, the ENDOPART study, demonstrated that also general fatigue, a reduction in sex drive due to drugs, a weak mood, bleeding during and/or after sex, and problems in attempts pregnancy have an impact on the relationship.”
- Depression and Anxiety: “The study showed that women with endometriosis had an increased risk of developing major depression…and any depressive disorder… and anxiety disorders…compared to those without endometriosis [80]. Overall, most of the literature agrees to consider depression, anxiety, and emotional distress more frequently in women with endometriosis than in a healthy population [34]. There is still no agreement on the origin of this evident correlation. Some authors showed that depression and anxiety may be the result of the experience of pelvic pain itself rather than of endometriosis since the rate of these psychological disorders was not different between women with endometriosis-related pelvic pain and those with pelvic pain of another nature [81,82].”
- Economic impact: “The annual economic burden of endometriosis, including direct health care costs and indirect productivity loss, was estimated to be $22 billion in 2002 and $69.4 billion in a 2009 follow-up study, a substantial apparent increase in costs attributed to endometriosis over time [91]….in the five years before an endometriosis diagnosis, costs were $7028 higher among patients with endometriosis compared with matched controls without endometriosis [92]. …The same authors of the above-mentioned review have also shown that, in employed women with endometriosis, as a consequence of productivity loss of 6.3 h per week, the total loss per person is approximately $10,177.54 per year [49].”
3. Treatment:
- When looking at surgery, skill and expertise is important for outcomes. While surgery “has been shown to significantly improve endometriosis-associated symptoms”, its success “is directly correlated with factors such as surgical experience, the complexity of each case and anatomical locations of the disease” (Working group of ESGE et al., 2020). The Working Group of ESGE et al. (2020) published their recommendations for deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) of “how different types of surgery should be performed, taking potential risks into consideration, and stresses that careful planning and involving different surgeons specialising in bowel or bladder is essential to ensure the best outcomes”. You can read more about that here.
- Some studies have looked into ways to enhance the visibility during surgery as “the identification of endometriotic tissue during laparoscopy is not always clear which may partly contribute to the high rates of recurrence reported after surgical treatment (40–50% at 5 years) [3]” (Lier et al., 2020). Lier et al. (2020) note that “enhanced laparoscopic imaging with 3D white light, combined with NBI, improves the detection rate of peritoneal endometriosis when compared to conventional 2D white-light imaging. The use of these imaging techniques may potentially result in a more complete laparoscopic resection of endometriosis”.
4. Diagnosis:
- Endometriosis has a long delay in diagnosis, which can leave those with it suffering for a long time and without adequate treatment. A definitive diagnosis is achieved through surgery, preferably with pathology confirming it. Research into an easier way to achieve diagnosis, such as through a blood test, is being studied; unfortunately, no biomarkers or blood tests have proven reliability to use for diagnosis yet. Anastasiu et al. (2020) did a review of the research to date and report that “the majority of studies focused on a panel of biomarkers, rather than a single biomarker and were unable to identify a single biomolecule or a panel of biomarkers with sufficient specificity and sensitivity in endometriosis.” They conclude that at this time “noninvasive biomarkers, proteomics, genomics, and miRNA microarray may aid the diagnosis, but further research on larger datasets along with a better understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms are needed” (Anastasiu et al., 2020). The end goal of a way to diagnose earlier is so “that no women with endometriosis or other significant pelvic pathology are missed who might benefit from surgery for endometriosis-associated pain and/or infertility [17–19]” (Fassbender et al., 2015).
Let us hope for a bright future for endometriosis care in 2021. Happy new year to you all!
Anastasiu, C. V., Moga, M. A., Elena Neculau, A., Bălan, A., Scârneciu, I., Dragomir, R. M., … & Chicea, L. M. (2020). Biomarkers for the Noninvasive Diagnosis of Endometriosis: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(5), 1750. Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/5/1750
Carlyle, D., Khader, T., Lam, D., Vadivelu, N., Shiwlochan, D., & Yonghee, C. (2020). Endometriosis Pain Management: a Review. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 24(9), 1-9. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11916-020-00884-6
Della Corte, L., Di Filippo, C., Gabrielli, O., Reppuccia, S., La Rosa, V. L., Ragusa, R., … & Giampaolino, P. (2020). The burden of endometriosis on women’s lifespan: a narrative overview on quality of life and psychosocial wellbeing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(13), 4683. Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/13/4683/htm
Demetriou, L., Cox, E., Lunde, C., Becker, C., Invitti, A., Martínez-Burgo, B., … & Zondervan, K. (2020). A commentary on the need for support with mental as well as physical health for people with endometriosis during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Authorea Preprints. Retrieved from https://d197for5662m48.cloudfront.net/documents/publicationstatus/54168/preprint_pdf/921ccb14a9dcae7291958ce34ba67304.pdf
Fassbender, A., Burney, R. O., F O, D., D’Hooghe, T., & Giudice, L. (2015). Update on biomarkers for the detection of endometriosis. BioMed research international, 2015. Retrieved from https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2015/130854/
Leonardi, M., Horne, A. W., Armour, M., Missmer, S. A., Roman, H., Rombauts, L., … & Johnson, N. P. (2020). Endometriosis and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Clinical Advice and Future Considerations. Frontiers in Reproductive Health, 2, 5. Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frph.2020.00005/full?fbclid=IwAR2FwiMuHuKb4UW6PVVBz2WuktOK7InbdzMD8DAQ0Df3JD-dPmgEYiOPs3E
Lier, M. C., Vlek, S. L., Ankersmit, M., van de Ven, P. M., Dekker, J. J., Bleeker, M. C., … & Tuynman, J. B. (2020). Comparison of enhanced laparoscopic imaging techniques in endometriosis surgery: a diagnostic accuracy study. Surgical Endoscopy, 34(1), 96-104. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00464-019-06736-8
Working group of ESGE, ESHRE, and WES, Keckstein, J., Becker, C. M., Canis, M., Feki, A., Grimbizis, G. F., … & Tanos, V. (2020). Recommendations for the surgical treatment of endometriosis. Part 2: deep endometriosis. Human Reproduction Open, 2020(1), hoaa002. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/hropen/article/2020/1/hoaa002/5733057?login=true
A Letter to Providers from Two Endo Patients
Two people with endometriosis wanted to share their story of how providers made a difference in their journey. Based on their experience, they share their thoughts on what healthcare can do to make a difference. A big thank you to all the providers who have helped us on our journey. You will never know how much it meant and what a difference it made in our lives.Read on:
At 14, I got my first period. I remember distinctly when I saw my regular pediatrician, and she asked about my monthly period. I told her that it was painful, and I was overwhelmingly exhausted. I very vividly remember my female pediatrician quietly shutting the door of the exam room and explaining to me that this is “normal”, that she too is often very tired during her period and has cramping. Little did I realize at that time, that historically and culturally, medicine has diminished and frequently discredited the pain that women had during their menstrual cycles – labeling it as “hysteria”.
When I was first diagnosed with endometriosis, I (along with most newly diagnosed) had no understanding of the challenges that would be placed in front of me. I naively believed that my doctors would have answers, that I would receive the right treatment, and that I would be able to move on with my life.
And then I realized how woefully incorrect I was.
So, in 2020, what can be done differently? Can we do better? WE CAN and WE MUST!
As physicians, you may not ever understand what it is like to have endometriosis. Especially if you are a male. And that is okay. We, as patients, understand and do not expect you as a physician to completely get it.
However, please understand that endometriosis does NOT affect every person the same way. One person may not be able to function, unable to go to school or work, when she has her period. Another woman may have stage IV endometriosis and adenomyosis and work an incredibly demanding job and have a more demanding schedule- long days, long nights, and often working weekends. Yet, she still functions and gets by. While another woman may be struggling to keep up with her college classes so much that she must drop out of college and cannot work due to her pain levels (even though she is found to “only” have stage II endometriosis). Another woman may be struggling to get pregnant but denies any obvious symptoms of endometriosis- yet during a diagnostic laparoscopy, she is found to have stage III endometriosis. Here alone are several DIFFERENT women with all quite different presentations of this disease.
In addition to understanding the patient experience, understand that many of us have been through a long journey to get a diagnosis and to find treatment.
Many tell us to get pregnant and we would be cured. Gynecologists have said that many people experience a reprieve from symptoms during pregnancy and breast feeding. But have symptoms return shortly after. What if I took that advice? As a single woman just trying to finish college, surviving only on heavy duty narcotics, how could I possibly manage the care of a child? Would I have made a good mother having to take a long leave of absence from my dream job due to severe pain? I was not the first person to ever receive this piece of advice and sadly we will not be the last. (See Myths and Misinformation)
Many have told us that taking hormonal treatments – continuous birth control, Lupron, Synarel, Danazol, Depo Provera, Orilissa, or other like drugs, would make us feel better. For some people, it may have helped them. However, many of us have walked away with minimal to no relief – instead, a slew of different side effects. Hot flashes, migraines, fatigue, brain fog, bone loss, worsening pain. Sometimes the side effects would go away. Sometimes not. As a 21-year-old college student, I had the early onset of osteoporosis. Eventually these side effects went away, or I was able to reverse them. For some, they are not as lucky and are stuck with permanent side effects. I was lucky. (See Hormonal Treatments)
Sometimes we are told that having surgery every couple of years is something to be expected when living with endometriosis. Ablation is the only way to remove endometriosis. Just get used to it, I was told. That is what happens when you have endometriosis.
And then I learned different. I found resources such as the Endometriosis Research Center – their Yahoo ListServ (okay so maybe it dates me) and Nancy’s Nook on Facebook. I learned about excision surgery and found a specialist. The answer was there all along, but the doctors around me did not know that it was an option. Some can excise some endometriosis but not all areas- or do not have the knowledge to recognize some different appearances of endometriosis. Many of us unfortunately must travel to another state or even to another country to seek out better, more specialized care. Often those impacted by endometriosis must pay privately for expert care or fight their insurance companies for coverage of expert care.
Our health care system can do better. We CAN do better, and we will DO better. So, how do we do that? How can patient care providers/health care providers do that? How can they help their patients as they struggle with endometriosis?
It is called providing patient-centered, evidence-informed, patient care. So, what does that mean? What does that look like?
Guekens (2018) and his colleagues identify 5 different dimensions of patient-centered endometriosis care:
1. Respect for the patient’s values, preferences, and needs
2. Information, communication, and education
3. Continuity and transition
4. Access to care
5. Technical Skills
From another patient story we see such an example:
When I was in college and my local OBGYN realized that my endometriosis was more complicated and severe, she referred me to a specialist at a university level hospital – her professor. She realized that I needed care beyond her capabilities, so she referred me out. THAT is patient-centered, evidence-informed, patient care.
When that specialist respects my hope to finish a year of college, provides me with pain management techniques, and puts off surgery until I am ready. THAT is patient-centered, evidence-informed, patient care.
Eighteen years ago, I came across an organization called the Endometriosis Research Center and learned from some very smart women and physicians the concept of excision surgery. I learned about the best evidence-based treatment for endometriosis is excision.
A wise mentor and fellow endometriosis patient once told me that “communication is useless if you perpetuate misinformation” (Pierce-Richards, 2019). We CAN do better. It is YOUR responsibility to educate yourself, your staff, and your patients. What we say about endometriosis matters and it CAN be life changing for that patient, to finally be listened to, their suffering be acknowledged, accepted, and addressed.
Two years ago, my endometriosis symptoms worsened to the point where I could barely function. Getting to work every day, taking care of my daughter, and just keeping up with day-to-day responsibilities was nearly impossible due to pain and it exhausted me. I spent a lot of time in bed. I initially saw my local OBGYN and contemplated having surgery with her as she was local. However, after reviewing research and learning how effective excision surgery is, I sought out opinions from a couple of local endometriosis excision specialists and a well-known endometriosis excision specialist across the country. (See Why Excision) I then spoke with my local primary care physician whom I worked with and told her that we had chosen to travel to Washington to obtain better care. She supported my choice and was instrumental in coordinating my care prior to leaving for Washington and when I returned. Each transition was easier because she was there advocating for me and was a quick phone call away with any questions or concerns.
What if there was a physician that respected your values, respected you for where you were in your journey, and respected your preferences/needs?
What if there was a physician that, although was not considered an expert in endometriosis, but was able to refer their patients to accurate, up-to-date, reliable sources of information about endometriosis?
What if that very same physician helped facilitate their patient receiving effective, evidence-based treatment – i.e. excision surgery? This physician could write a letter supporting the patient’s decision to seek out expert care to help the patient with their insurance appeals or help ease the transition when they return home after surgery.
What if that physician desires to learn more about endometriosis and wishes to become a specialist? To learn about the expertise of excision surgery and to expand their knowledge?
We can very quickly say (ALL of us) how unhappy we are with the year 2020 and the current state of affairs.
We can simply blame it on poor reimbursement by insurance companies . Yes, that’s a problem.
We could say that there is not enough time in an appointment to devote to these patients. Yes, we see that.
We could say that due to COVID, we cannot travel or attend any conferences. Or that we cannot possibly attend another meeting via Zoom. Yes, we can certainly say that.
We could say that our budget is limited due to COVID-related shut downs, I cannot afford to spend more on education. Yes, we could say that too.
Here’s the deal – YOU can be that physician! We could come up with a million reasons why it will not work. However, YOU always have an opportunity to learn. Brian Tracy once said “those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future” (Tracy, n.d.).
Will you take the opportunity to be that “mover and shaker” in society that leads to positive change?
Geukins, E. I., Apers, S., Meuleman, C., D’Hooghe, T. M., & Dancet, E. A. F. (2018). Patient-centeredness and endometriosis: Definition, measurement, and current status. Best Practice & Research. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 50, 11-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2018.01.009
Pierce-Richards, Susan (2019, November 9-13). Brokengirl: The Secret Shame of Chronic Pelvic Pain and the Unseen Consequences of our Current Care Paradigm for Endometriosis Care [Conference Presentation]. AAGL 2019 48th Global Conference on MIGS. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Tracy, Brian. (n.d.). Quotes by Brian Tracy. Good Reads. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/524089-those-people-who-develop-the-ability-to-continuously-acquire-new
Endo Basics: What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis has some unique characteristics, and we continue to find out new things about it. Understanding exactly what it is and how it functions can help us make better sense of the symptoms we experience as well as guide our decisions for treatment. Here are some key points to consider:
- Endometriosis is defined as tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) that is found outside of the uterus (Becker, 2015). This can be in the pelvis and abdominal area, but has been found in areas outside the pelvis (like the diaphragm). This means it affects more than just reproductive organs! (See Locations of Endometriosis)
- Endometriosis has some key differences from the lining of the uterus in both its structure and function. Endometriotic lesions are capable of high estrogen production and have a resistance to the effects of progesterone (Cristescu, Velişcu, Marinescu, Pătraşcu, Traşcă, & Pop, 2013). Endometriosis can also produce cytokines and prostaglandins and is capable of the growth of new blood vessels and nerves (Hey-Cunningham, Peters, Zevallos, Berbic, Markham, & Fraser, 2013; Reis, Petraglia, & Taylor, 2013; Bulun et al., 2012; Chaban, 2012). (See Role of Estrogen Receptor-β in Endometriosis and Progesterone Resistance in Endometriosis)
- Endometriosis is an inflammatory disorder that can lead to scarring and adhesions (Becker, 2015; Mao & Anastasi, 2010). (See Inflammation with Endometriosis)
- The severity of symptoms does not necessarily correlate with extent of lesions (McCance & Huether, 2014). (See What influences pain levels)
- The location of the lesions and the presence of adhesions can also affect the symptoms experienced (Lu, Zhang, Jiang, Zou, & Li, 2014). (See Locations of Lesions and Where Pain Is Felt)
- Most symptoms arise from chronic inflammation, noxious chemical release such as prostaglandins, effects on the musculoskeletal system, and/or adhesions (Koga, Yoshino, Hirota, Hirata, Harada, & Osuga, 2014). (See Symptoms)
- An estimated 30-50% of patients with endometriosis are infertile due to the inflammatory environment and physical abnormalities such as adhesions (Koga, Yoshino, Hirota, Hirata, Harada, & Osuga, 2014). (See Fertility Issues)
Becker, C. (2015). Diagnosis and management of endometriosis. Prescriber, 26(20), 17-21.
Bulun, S. E., Monsavais, D., Pavone, M. E., Dyson, M., Xue, Q., Attar, E., … Su, E. J. (2012). Role of Estrogen Receptor-β in Endometriosis. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine, 30(1), 39–45. http://doi.org/10.1055/s-0031-1299596
Chaban, V. (2012). Primary afferent nociceptors and visceral pain. INTECH Open Access Publisher. Retrieved from http://www.intechopen.com/books/endometriosis-basicconcepts-and-current-research-trends/primaryafferent-nociceptors-and-visceral-pain
Cristescu, C., Velişcu, A. N. D. R. E. E. A., Marinescu, B., Pătraşcu, A. N. C. A., Traşcă, E. T., & Pop, O. T. (2013). Endometriosis–clinical approach based on histological findings. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 54(1), 91-97.
Hey-Cunningham, A. J., Peters, K. M., Zevallos, H. B., Berbic, M., Markham, R., & Fraser, I. S. (2013). Angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis and neurogenesis in endometriosis. Front Biosci (Elite Ed), 5, 1033-56.
Koga, K., Yoshino, O., Hirota, Y., Hirata, T., Harada, M., & Osuga, Y. (2014). Infertility Treatment of Endometriosis Patients. In Endometriosis (pp. 431-443). Springer Japan.
Lu, Z., Zhang, W., Jiang, S., Zou, J., & Li, Y. (2014). Effect of lesion location on endometriotic adhesion and angiogenesis in SCID mice. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 289(4), 823-830.
Mao, A. J., & Anastasi, J. K. (2010). Diagnosis and management of endometriosis: The role of the advanced practice nurse in primary care. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 22(2), 109-116.
McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2014). Pathophysiology: The Biological Basis for Disease in Adults and Children (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Reis, F. M., Petraglia, F., & Taylor, R. N. (2013). Endometriosis: hormone regulation and clinical consequences of chemotaxis and apoptosis. Human reproduction update, 19(4), 406-418.
Looking at surgery
Let’s face it. Surgery is scary. Whether it’s your first or your fifth. I think for those of us who have suffered for a long time, the unknown of “will they find anything, will it help, will it be worth it?” lingers in our minds. While surgery is not a magical fix-all, we want to feel as confident as possible when deciding on surgery.
First, it’s important to understand your disease and other related conditions that may be playing part of your symptoms. Start here to begin that learning.
Second point is to know your options for treatment and discuss the pros and cons with your provider.
Third is making an informed choice based on that knowledge. A little research can go a long way. When discussing surgery, here are some things to consider. We have many members on our Facebook group who have recommended surgeons to others based on their individual results. We can do our due diligence when asking others about a surgeon or asking questions ourselves. But what if this was taken a step further?
What is surgical vetting?
Surgical vetting involves peer reviewed assessment and feedback on video documented surgical procedures. For instance, a 2013 study looked at the different skill sets that played into surgical outcomes (Birkmeyer et al., 2013). The authors stated that:
“Clinical outcomes after many complex surgical procedures vary widely across hospitals and surgeons. Although it has been assumed that the proficiency of the operating surgeon is an important factor underlying such variation, empirical data are lacking on the relationships between technical skill and postoperative outcomes.” (Birkmeyer et al., 2013)
In order to assess this, the study utilized this method:
“Each surgeon submitted a single representative videotape of himself or herself performing a laparoscopic gastric bypass. Each videotape was rated in various domains of technical skill on a scale of 1 to 5 (with higher scores indicating more advanced skill) by at least 10 peer surgeons who were unaware of the identity of the operating surgeon. We then assessed relationships between these skill ratings and risk-adjusted complication rates, using data from a prospective, externally audited, clinical-outcomes registry involving 10,343 patients.” (Birkmeyer et al., 2013)
Their findings?
“The technical skill of practicing bariatric surgeons varied widely, and greater skill was associated with fewer postoperative complications and lower rates of reoperation, readmission, and visits to the emergency department. Although these findings are preliminary, they suggest that peer rating of operative skill may be an effective strategy for assessing a surgeon’s proficiency.” (Birkmeyer et al., 2013)
In 2016, a follow up article on that study noted:
“Recently, enthusiasm has been growing to tackle the challenges of directly evaluating and improving surgeon performance using intraoperative video. This work with practicing surgeons builds on the previous experience of using video to assess laparoscopic skills among residents…. While the use of video analysis to improve skill and technique is promising, one particularly important challenge must be recognized: building surgeon trust and social capital. In the bariatric surgery examples described above, this was accomplished over time through a spirit of collaboration that fostered relationships and a shared goal of quality improvement among surgeons in Michigan. For this process to succeed, these initiatives would first need to be piloted on a smaller scale through individual institutions or regional collaboratives to build social capital and ensure surgeon “buy-in”. Once established locally, a professional society (e.g. the American College of Surgeons, Society of Thoracic Surgeons, depending on the specialty or interest) could serve as a potential framework through which a program could be implemented more broadly. It will be necessary to clearly establish that skill assessment would be strictly for quality improvement purposes, ensuring complete confidentiality for participating surgeons. Through these steps, a collaborative infrastructure can be built to implement video-based analysis in a real-world practice setting.” (Grenda, Pradarelli, & Dimick, 2016)
Other studies have utilized similar methods. For instance, one done in 2010 to assess the skill accreditation system for laparoscopic gastroenterologic surgeons in Japan used “non-edited videotapes” that “were assessed by two judges in a double-blinded fashion with strict criteria” (Mori, Kimura, & Kitajima, 2010). Their study found that “surgeons assessed by this system as qualified experienced less frequent complications when compared to those who failed” (Mori, Kimura, & Kitajima, 2010). A similar approach was taken for urological laparoscopy with an 8 year follow up of the system (Matsuda et al., 2006; Matsuda et al., 2014). One article notes that “surgeons are under enormous pressure to continually improve and learn new surgical skills” and that the use of video technology can be useful to that means, especially as it is “becoming easier as most of our surgical platforms (e.g., laparoscopic, and endoscopy) now have video recording technology built in and video editing software has become more user friendly” (Ibrahim, Varban, & Dimick, 2016). The use of this technology may at one point lead to “future applications of video technology are being developed, including possible integration into accreditation and board certification” (Ibrahim, Varban, & Dimick, 2016).
How can this be used to help patients with endometriosis?
There are many dedicated, hard-working, and skilled surgeons out there, but it can be difficult for patients and other providers to connect with them. Not only can video vetting assist in surgeons being recognized for their skill, but it can also serve as a way for other providers and patients to find them! It can help connect patients and providers with surgeons with specific skill sets that a case may need. For instance, if a surgeon has demonstrated proficiency in working on thoracic endometriosis, then a directory could help providers and patients connect with not only that surgeon, but a multidisciplinary team to address that specialized care need. While there are no guarantees in life, surgical vetting can be another tool in our toolbelt to try to make the best decision we can.
Birkmeyer, J. D., Finks, J. F., O’Reilly, A., Oerline, M., Carlin, A. M., Nunn, A. R., … & Birkmeyer, N. J. (2013). Surgical skill and complication rates after bariatric surgery. New England Journal of Medicine, 369(15), 1434-1442. Retrieved from https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmsa1300625
Grenda, T. R., Pradarelli, J. C., & Dimick, J. B. (2016). Using surgical video to improve technique and skill. Annals of surgery, 264(1), 32. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5671768/
Ibrahim, A. M., Varban, O. A., & Dimick, J. B. (2016). Novel uses of video to accelerate the surgical learning curve. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 26(4), 240-242. Retrieved from https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/lap.2016.0100
Matsuda, T., Ono, Y., Terachi, T., Naito, S., Baba, S., Miki, T., … & Okuyama, A. (2006). The endoscopic surgical skill qualification system in urological laparoscopy: a novel system in Japan. The Journal of urology, 176(5), 2168-2172. Retrieved from https://www.auajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1016/j.juro.2006.07.034
Matsuda, T., Kanayama, H., Ono, Y., Kawauchi, A., Mizoguchi, H., Nakagawa, K., … & Referee Committee of the Endoscopic Surgical Skill Qualification System in Urological Laparoscopy. (2014). Reliability of laparoscopic skills assessment on video: 8-year results of the endoscopic surgical skill qualification system in Japan. Journal of endourology, 28(11), 1374-1378. Retrieved from https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/end.2014.0092
Mori, T., Kimura, T., & Kitajima, M. (2010). Skill accreditation system for laparoscopic gastroenterologic surgeons in Japan. Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, 19(1), 18-23. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/13645700903492969
Symptoms- from typical to atypical
Endometriosis symptoms can vary widely in both presentation and severity. While endometriosis can present with “typical” symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain during menstruation, it can also present with symptoms not readily attributed to endometriosis. One example is sciatica type symptoms- pain running along the lines of the sciatic nerve (from the low back down the back of the leg). For some, infertility rather than pain is the first sign that they note.
Pelvic Endometriosis:
The following study performed a literature review on pelvic endometriosis in order to identify signs and symptoms (hoping to lead to more timely investigation into the possibility of endometriosis).
Riazi, H., Tehranian, N., Ziaei, S., Mohammadi, E., Hajizadeh, E., & Montazeri, A. (2015). Clinical diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis: a scoping review. BMC women’s health, 15(1), 39. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4450847/pdf/12905_2015_Article_196.pdf
- Pain:
- Pain with periods (dysmenorrhea)- during and at the end of menstruation
- Pelvic pain before and during menstruation
- Pain during sexual intercourse or after sex (dyspareunia)
- Lower abdominal pain or suprapubic pain
- Lower back pain and loin pain
- Chronic pelvic pain (lasting ≥6 months)
- Pain between periods (intermenstrual pain)
- Ovulation pain
- Rectal pain (throbbing, dull or sharp, exacerbated by physical activity)
- Pain often worsened over time and changed in character
- Menstrual symptoms:
- Heavy or prolonged periods (hypermenorrhea or menorrhagia)
- Premenstrual spotting for 2–4 days
- Mid cycle bleeding
- Irregular bleeding
- Irregular periods
- Urinary problems:
- Pain with urination (dysuria)
- Blood in urine (hematuria)
- Urinary frequency
- Urinary tract infection
- Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis)
- Digestive symptoms:
- Abdominal bloating
- Diarrhea with period
- Painful bowel movements
- Painful defecation (dyschezia) during periods
- Blood in stool (hematochezia)
- Nausea and stomach upset around periods
- Constipation
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Early satiety
- Gynecologic comorbidities:
- Gynecological infections and low resistance to infection
- Candidiasis
- Infertility
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Ovarian cysts
- Bleeding after sex (postcoital bleeding)
- Comorbidities:
- wide range of allergies and allergic disease
- dizziness
- migraines and headaches at the time of period or before
- mitral valve prolapse
- Social life symptoms:
- Inability to carry on normal activities including work or school
- Depressed and anxious feelings
- Irritability or premenstrual tension syndrome
- Psychoemotional distress
- Musculoskeletal symptoms:
- muscle/bone pain
- joint pain
- leg pain
- Other symptoms:
- Chronic fatigue, exhaustion, low energy
- Low-grade fever
- Burning or hypersensitivity- suggestive of a neuropathic component
- Mictalgia (pain with urination)
Some signs of endometriosis in other places/specific places might include:
- Bowel:
- Abdominal pain
- Disordered defecation (dyschezia)
- Having to strain harder to have a bowel movement or having cramp like pain in the rectum (tenesmus)
- Bloating, abdominal discomfort (meteorism)
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Alternating constipation/diarrhea
- Painful defecation
- Dark feces containing blood (melena) or fresh blood with bowel movements (hematochezia) (Charatsi et al., 2018)
- “The gastrointestinal tract is the most common location of extrapelvic endometriosis (and extragenital pelvic endometriosis when referring to rectum, sigmoid, and bladder)… Symptoms, in general, include crampy abdominal pain, dyschezia, tenesmus, meteorism, constipation, melena, diarrhea, vomiting, hematochezia, pain on defecation, and after meals. The traditional cyclical pattern of symptomatology has not been confirmed by recent studies which postulate a rather noncyclical chronic pelvic pain as a more persistent symptom [32]. Cyclical symptoms that aggravate during menses, however, have also been reported in a small number of patients [33, 34]. Since intestinal mucosa is rarely affected, rectal bleeding is also an unusual symptom, reported in 0 to 15% to 30% of patients [15, 35, 36]. Bleeding can also occur due to severe bowel obstruction and ischemia [32, 37]. Acute bowel obstruction due to stenosis is a scarce complication reported only in cases when severe small bowel involvement is present or in the presence of dense pelvic adhesions.” (Charatsi et al., 2018)
- Bladder and Ureters:
- “feeling the need to urinate urgently,
- frequent urination,
- pain when the bladder is full,
- burning or painful sensations when passing urine,
- blood in the urine,
- pelvic pain,
- lower back pain (on one side)” (Medical News Today, 2018)
- None (if endometriosis is close to the ureters there may be no presenting symptoms)
- “Vesical endometriosis is usually presented with suprapubic and back pain or with irritative voiding symptoms [96]. These symptoms generally occur on a cyclic basis and are exaggerated during menstruation. Less than 20% of patients however report cyclical menstrual hematuria, which is considered a pathognomic sign for bladder endometriosis [97–99]. Bladder detrusor endometriosis symptoms may cause symptoms similar to painful bladder syndrome; therefore, diagnosis of bladder endometriosis should be considered in patients with recurrent dysuria and suprapubic pain [100]. Clinical symptoms of ureteral endometriosis are often silent [76, 101, 102]. Since the extrinsic form of the disease is more common resulting from endometriosis affecting the rectovaginal septum or uterosacral ligaments and surrounding tissues, patients present with dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, and pelvic pain [103]. Abdominal pain is the predominant symptom, occurring in 45% of symptomatic patients [93, 104–106]. Symptoms are often cyclical when the ureter is involved, and cyclic microscopic hematuria is a hallmark of intrinsic ureteral disease [95, 107, 108]. There is a limited correlation between severity of symptoms and the degree of obstruction of the ureter. High degree of obstruction may proceed for a long time without symptoms, leading to deterioration of renal function [76]. Unfortunately, ureteral endometriosis is often asymptomatic leading to silent obstructive uropathy and renal failure [109].” (Charatsi et al., 2018)
- Thoracic (Diaphragm and Lung):
- “…many patients being asymptomatic. Symptomatic patients often experience a constellation of temporal symptoms and radiologic findings with menstruation, including catamenial pneumothorax (80%), catamenial hemothorax (14%), catamenial hemoptysis (5%), and, rarely, pulmonary nodules.However, symptoms have been reported before menstruation, during the periovulatory period, and following intercourse.Symptoms of thoracic endometriosis are largely related to the anatomic location of the lesions. Pleural TES typically presents with symptoms of catamenial pneumothorax and chest or shoulder pain. Catamenial pneumothorax is defined as recurrent pneumothorax occurring within 72 h of the onset of menstruation. The symptoms experienced by patients are comparable to those of spontaneous pneumothorax and include pleuritic chest pain, cough, and shortness of breath. Furthermore, diaphragmatic irritation may produce referred pain to the periscapular region or radiation to the neck (most often right-sided). The right hemithorax is involved in up to 92% of cases, with 5% of cases involving the left hemithorax and 3% experiencing bilateral involvement. Catamenial hemothorax is a less common manifestation of pleural TES. Similar to catamenial pneumothorax, it presents with nonspecific symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, and pleuritic chest pain. It is predominantly right-sided, although rare cases of left-sided hemothorax have been reported.Less common bronchopulmonary TES presents as mild to moderate catamenial hemoptysis or as rare lung nodules identified on imaging. Massive, life-threatening hemoptysis is rare. Pulmonary nodules can be an incidental finding at the time of imaging or can occur in symptomatic patients. They can vary in size from 0.5 to 3 cm. Outside of the well-established clinical manifestations of TES, cases of isolated diaphragmatic endometriosis are typically asymptomatic but can result in irritation of the phrenic nerve. This can produce a syndrome of only catamenial pain, presenting as cyclic neck, shoulder, right upper quadrant, or epigastric pain.” (Nezhat et al., 2019)
(catamenial refers to menstruation; pneumothorax is air leaking into the space between the lung lining; hemothorax is blood leaking into the space between the lung lining; hemoptysis is coughing up blood)
- Sciatic: pain in the buttock or hip area; pain, numbness, and/or weakness going down the leg; symptoms may initially occur with ovulation or menses (Sarr et al., 2018)
- Scar: “Symptoms at presentation included the presence of a palpable mass at the level of the scar (78.57%), non-cyclic and cyclic abdominal pain (50%, 42.85% respectively), bleeding form mass (7.14%) and swelling of the affected area (7.14%).” (Malutan et al., 2017)
This qualitative study describes symptoms as experienced by individuals with endometriosis:
- Moradi, M., Parker, M., Sneddon, A., Lopez, V., & Ellwood, D. (2014). Impact of endometriosis on women’s lives: a qualitative study. BMC women’s health, 14(1), 123. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1472-6874-14-123
“All women had suffered severe and progressive pain during menstrual and non-menstrual phases in different areas such as the lower abdomen, bowel, bladder, lower back and legs that significantly affected their lives. Other symptoms were fatigue, tiredness, bloating, bladder urgency, bowel symptoms (diarrhoea), bladder symptoms and sleep disturbances due to pain….
“The women described the pain as ‘sharp’, ‘stabbing’, ‘horrendous’, ‘tearing’, ‘debilitating’ and ‘breath-catching’. Severe pain was accompanied by vomiting and nausea and was made worse by moving or going to the toilet. The frequency of pain differed between the women with some reporting pain every day, some lasting for three weeks out of each menstrual cycle, and another for one year…
“Most of the women complained of dyspareunia during and/or after sex….
“Heavy and/or irregular bleeding was another symptom experienced but in some women, it was a side effect of endometriosis treatment. Bleeding when exercising and after sex were experienced by only a few women. Women and their partners were particularly worried when bleeding occurred after sex….
“Most women reported that endometriosis had significant impacts as they lived through it every day of their lives…. The physical impact was associated with symptoms, treatment side-effects and changes in physical appearance. Pain in particular was reported to limit their normal daily physical activity like, walking and exercise. Women who had small children mentioned that they were not able to care for them as they would like…Fatigue and limited energy were also among reported physical impacts of endometriosis. Although infertility was primarily a physical impact of endometriosis, it had a negative impact on the psychological health, relationship, and financial status of the women….
“Most women reported a reduction in social activity, and opted to stay home, and missed events because of severe symptoms especially pain, bleeding and fatigue. They resorted to using up their annual leave after exhausting their sick leave because of their disease. Some women also decreased their sport or leisure activities and some gave up their routine sport including water ski, horse-riding, swimming and snow skiing….”
Charatsi, D., Koukoura, O., Ntavela, I. G., Chintziou, F., Gkorila, G., Tsagkoulis, M., … & Daponte, A. (2018). Gastrointestinal and urinary tract endometriosis: a review on the commonest locations of extrapelvic endometriosis. Advances in medicine, 2018. Retrieved from https://www.hindawi.com/journals/amed/2018/3461209/
Malutan, A. M., Simon, I., Ciortea, R., Mocan-Hognogi, R. F., Dudea, M., & Mihu, D. (2017). Surgical scar endometriosis: a series of 14 patients and brief review of literature. Clujul Medical, 90(4), 411. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5683831/
Medical News Today. (2018). Can endometriosis cause bladder pain?. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321439
Nezhat, C., Lindheim, S. R., Backhus, L., Vu, M., Vang, N., Nezhat, A., & Nezhat, C. (2019). Thoracic endometriosis syndrome: a review of diagnosis and management. JSLS: Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 23(3). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6684338/
Saar, T. D., Pacquée, S., Conrad, D. H., Sarofim, M., De Rosnay, P., Rosen, D., … & Chou, D. (2018). Endometriosis involving the sciatic nerve: a case report of isolated endometriosis of the sciatic nerve and review of the literature. Gynecology and minimally invasive therapy, 7(2), 81. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6113996/