TENS Therapy: A Non-invasive Pain Relief Option for Dysmenorrhea
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Dysmenorrhea and endometriosis are two common health issues that many women face. These conditions often cause severe pelvic pain, disrupting everyday life. Pain relief for these conditions traditionally involves medication whether it be oral contraceptive pills or other hormonal suppressive medications or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, which can sometimes lead to unwanted side effects. In many cases, those with endometriosis need additional support as these are not always effective. While excision surgery should be discussed, even those who have had successful surgeries continue to have persistent pain. Conditions such as dysmenorrhea, adenomyosis, and endometriosis can all contribute to persistent pain. Our blog titled Endometriosis and Adenomyosis: Decoding Their Contribution To Pelvic Pain helps explain these connections.
Modalities do exist that can be helpful for some, with a low side-effect profile. One particular modality of interest has been various Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) devices, and there have been improvements in these devices especially for those with dysmenorrhea also known as painful periods. One device that we are fond of is the Apollo from My Obi.
What is TENS Therapy?
TENS therapy is a pain management technique that uses low-voltage electrical currents to alleviate pain. It’s a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t involve medication, making it an attractive option for those who experience side effects from traditional pain relief methods.
How Does TENS Therapy Work?
TENS therapy functions by sending electrical currents through the skin to stimulate the nerves. These currents trigger the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and block the pain signals from reaching the brain. The intensity and duration of the current can be adjusted to suit individual needs and pain tolerance.
Operation of TENS Devices
TENS devices, such as the Apollo belt and the OVA device, are designed to be user-friendly. They are lightweight and can be clipped onto clothing, allowing users to continue with their daily activities while receiving treatment. The devices come with preset programmes, which the user can select and adjust according to their comfort level.
Benefits of TENS Therapy
TENS therapy offers numerous benefits, especially for women suffering from dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. They are often readily available and affordable, some devices offer a heating option as well!
Non-pharmacological Treatment Option
One of the main advantages of TENS therapy is that it’s a non-pharmacological treatment. It doesn’t involve medication, reducing the risk of side effects or interactions with other drugs.
Increased Blood Flow
TENS therapy can also increase blood flow to the abdomen. This improved circulation helps to reduce inflammation and swelling, further relieving pelvic pain.
TENS therapy is controlled by the user. This means the intensity and duration of treatment can be adjusted to suit individual needs and pain levels.
Effectiveness of TENS Therapy for Period Pain and Endometriosis
Several studies support the use of TENS therapy for period pain and endometriosis. A review of these studies found TENS therapy to be effective in reducing pain in women with primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. In terms of endometriosis, TENS therapy may offer a viable treatment option, although more research is needed in this area.
Side Effects and Contraindications
TENS therapy is generally safe with few side effects. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. For instance, people with heart conditions or those with a pacemaker should avoid TENS therapy. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.
TENS therapy provides a non-invasive, user-controlled, and effective pain relief solution for dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. It increases blood flow and stimulates the production of endorphins. Moreover, it’s a non-pharmacological treatment, making it an attractive option for those who experience side effects from traditional pain relief methods. However, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.
The potential of TENS therapy is promising, and further research could unlock more benefits for women suffering from pelvic pain. By exploring alternative treatments like TENS therapy, we can continue to improve the quality of life for those affected by conditions like dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. If you suffer from pelvic pain or dysmenorrhea you may want to seek help from a specialist, not sure? Read about the signs and symptoms that warrant help here!
Schiotz, H. A., Jettestad, M., & Al-Heeti, D. (2007). Treatment of dysmenorrhoea with a new TENS device (OVA). J Obstet Gynaecol, 27(7), 726-728.
History of Endometriosis: Unraveling the Theories and Advances
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Endometriosis is a complex condition that affects a significant number of women (XX) and on average takes 7-10 years for a diagnosis. The majority of people date their symptoms back to adolescence though go years seeking answers. Throughout their journey, many people receive either a wrong diagnosis or were simply dismissed altogether. In recent years, there has been a marked improvement in the recognition of the word ‘endometriosis’ but why does this disease remain such an enigma to so many healthcare professionals? Furthermore, endometriosis has been a subject of medical investigation for over a century with debates about how to approach treatment, understanding of the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and treatment methods.
Research in this field has evolved over time, but are we really that much further along than we were a century ago? One of the most frustrating concepts for those of us who truly understand endo, is the regurgitation of the theory of retrograde menstruation postulated in the 1920’s by Dr. John A. Sampson. The theory that endometriosis is derived from retrograde menstruation is an incomplete understanding of this original theory, that has perpetuated misinformation and our current recommended treatments – hormonal suppression and hysterectomies. Sampon’s original theory was more involved, but future research into alternative theories seems much more promising. Even so, our current “validated or trusted treatments” are still rooted in early understanding. This article delves into the intricate history of endometriosis, tracing its theories and advances, or lack thereof, to provide a comprehensive overview of this complex condition.
The Early Recognition of Endometriosis
Initial Observations and Descriptions
The first description of a disease resembling endometriosis can be attributed to Thomas Cullen in the early 20th century.1 Cullen identified endometriosis and adenomyosis as a single disease, characterized by the presence of endometrium-like tissue outside the uterine cavity.2 This breakthrough laid the foundation for future research and understanding of endometriosis.
Sampson’s Theory of Retrograde Menstruation
The term “endometriosis” was coined by John A. Sampson in the late 1920s.3 Sampson proposed the theory of retrograde menstruation as the primary cause of endometriosis, due to the observation during surgery of the similarity in endometriosis lesions and the endometrium, suggesting that endometrial cells are transported to ectopic locations via menstrual flow. This theory gained widespread acceptance and significantly influenced the direction of endometriosis research. Though he did note early on that there were additional factors to allow the growth of these lesions to transform, similar to more current theories and the immune system involvement.
Advances in Diagnosing Endometriosis
The Advent of Laparoscopy
The introduction of laparoscopy in the 1960s revolutionized the diagnosis of endometriosis.4 This minimally invasive surgical procedure allowed physicians to visually identify and classify endometriosis lesions, leading to a significant increase in the diagnosis of the disease.
Differentiating Clinical Presentations
With the advent of laparoscopy, three distinct clinical presentations of endometriosis were identified: peritoneal, deep adenomyotic, and cystic ovarian.5 These classifications, along with advances in imaging techniques such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have improved the precision of endometriosis diagnosis.
Development of Medical Therapies for Endometriosis
Early Interventions
The first attempts at treating endometriosis with synthetic steroids began in the 1940s.6 Initially, androgenic substances were used, but their side effects led to a search for more effective and tolerable treatments. Fun fact: testosterone was actually the first hormone used in attempts to “treat” the disease.
The Pseudo-pregnancy Regimen
The 1950s saw the advent of the “pseudo-pregnancy” regimen, where hormones were used to mimic the hormonal environment of pregnancy, thereby suppressing ovulation and endometrial growth.7 During this time, there were limited options and this suggestions came from the observation that symptoms were improved when pregnancy occurred. This approach utilized a combination of estrogen and progestin medications and marked a significant advance in the medical management of endometriosis. At this time, birth control was becoming more widespread and more options were being developed. The myth that is still perpetuated today by uninformed practitioners and society of “just get pregnant, it will cure your endo” or “just have a baby” stems from this belief. In 1953 a physician legitimized the limited options and made recommendations suggesting that frequent and often pregnancy was one of the only options and “subsidize your children” was the solution for the increased financial burden. There are so many infuriating suggestions at this recommendation, but the 50’s were a different time, with limited research and options.
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonists
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists emerged as a primary medical therapy for endometriosis in the late 20th century.8 These drugs work by reducing the production of estrogen, thereby limiting the growth of endometriotic tissue, at least in theory. However, the side effects of hypoestrogenism led to the development of ‘add-back’ therapies to mitigate these effects.Not to mention poor regulation and research practices present in the 1990’s including falsified data on the true impact of these drugs.
Evolution of Surgical Treatments
Conservative Surgery & Advancements in Endoscopic Surgery
The development of laparoscopy also transformed the surgical management of endometriosis. Conservative surgical techniques, including the excision of visible endometriosis lesions and adhesion lysis, became feasible.9 These procedures aimed to preserve fertility while effectively managing the disease. The late 20th century saw further advancements (again, in theory) in laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis. Techniques such as CO2 laser vaporization and the use of circular staplers for bowel resection improved the effectiveness and safety of surgery.10
Unraveling the Pathogenesis of Endometriosis
The Role of the Peritoneal Environment
Research in the 1980s began to focus on the peritoneal environment’s role in endometriosis. Studies found evidence of a local peritoneal inflammatory process, including increased activation of peritoneal macrophages and elevated cytokine and growth factor concentrations.11
Endometrial Dysfunctions
Investigations also revealed biochemical differences between eutopic and ectopic endometrium in women with endometriosis. These differences suggested that endometriosis might be associated with endometrial dysfunction, contributing to both the pathogenesis and sequelae of the disorder.12 While research exists that shows differences in BOTH the endometriosis lesions and the endometrial environment, this is correlational research, and does not imply causation.
Immunological Factors
The involvement of the immune system in the pathogenesis of endometriosis was another significant discovery. Altered immune responses, including decreased T-cell and natural killer cell cytotoxicities, were observed in those with endometriosis.13
The Connection Between Endometriosis and Adenomyosis
In the late 20th century, researchers revisited the connection between endometriosis and adenomyosis, suggesting that the two conditions might represent different phenotypes of the same disorder.14 This theory proposed that both endometriosis and adenomyosis are primarily diseases of the junctional zone myometrium.
Modern Approaches to Endometriosis Treatment
Use of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist and Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System
In more recent years, GnRHa therapy, often combined with ‘add-back’ therapy, has become a popular “treatment” for endometriosis.15 The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS), which releases a progestin hormone into the uterus, has also shown promise in the management of endometriosis-associated chronic pelvic pain.16 In reality, this may be more true for adenomyosis and further research is needed. Research with less bias seems to oppose these claims stating that “GnRH drugs show marginal improvement over no active treatment” when compared with other hormonal suppression medications. Thanks to marketing, this is not well known among consumers. 19 Not to mention the significant side effects that further contribute to the various chronic overlapping pain syndromes associated with endometriosis.
The Future of Endometriosis Research and Treatment
The evolution of endometriosis theories and advances underscores the complexity of this condition. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of endometriosis, there is an ongoing need for research into its pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. The future of endometriosis research and treatment lies in a deeper exploration of its genetic-epigenetic aspects, the role of oxidative stress, and the impact of the peritoneal and upper genital tract microbiomes.18
The history of endometriosis is marked by a continual evolution of theories, advancements in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and an expanding understanding of the disease’s complex pathogenesis. From the initial descriptions by Thomas Cullen to the modern laparoscopic techniques and hormonal therapies, the journey of understanding and treating endometriosis has indeed been a frustrating one.
One of the most frustrating aspects is that when we really understand the first observations of endometriosis in the 1800’s into the early 1900’s, it is not far from where we are today. This demonstrates the serious need for more research, better research, and more in depth understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment approaches for endometriosis. While this has improved in the last five years, it is not enough. We need to do more, and we need to do better. Healthcare policy change is an extremely slow process and in my personal observation, decided among individuals who show less understanding than those with the disease.
10. References
Disclaimer: This article is intended to provide general information on the topic and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personal medical advice.
- Cullen, T. (1920). Adenomyoma of the Uterus. WB Saunders.
- Sampson, J.A. (1927). Metastatic or Embolic Endometriosis, due to the Menstrual Dissemination of Endometrial Tissue into the Venous Circulation. American Journal of Pathology, 3(2), 93–110.
- Sampson, J.A. (1927). Peritoneal endometriosis due to menstrual dissemination of endometrial tissue into the peritoneal cavity. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 14, 422–469.
- Brosens, I., & Benagiano, G. (2011). Endometriosis, a modern syndrome. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 133(6), 581–593.
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